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Craft Your 

Perfect Revenge 

Take your body to a new level while changing your mindset.
The body achieves what the mind believes. Let's see what you can really do.
Recipes and meal planning for everyone.
The perfect revenge is obtained when you create your dream life. 

We Are Here To Dream!

Our Team Is Here to Serve You.

history_edu   ━━ about us
My Revenge Body was formed to support women who are struggling with their confidence and self esteem. This is NOT your fault. We received terrible advice growing up - "Accept it and move on."  Well, every time we accepted it, we gave away a piece of our self esteem and now, there is no way of knowing how much damage we have done to ourselves and our lives using this well-intended suggestion.  

Most of us don't even realize that we are NOT living the life we were meant to. 

Let's take this first step together. Take back control of our emotions, our thoughts, and our futures. There is no telling how far we can take this and how perfect our ultimate revenge will be. 

Training Programs
━━ train with experts ━━

Change Your body in 30 days or less

compare   ━━ before & after
There are some basic guidelines that every person, no matter what fitness level or body type, can follow to improve their body in 30 days with minimal effort:
Weight Loss Programs 85 %
Body Building 75 %
━━ train with experts ━━

Cassandra fenyk

Chief Revenge Strategist



Chief Fitness Trainer

Copyright © 2023. Fenyk Enterprises LLC. All rights reserved.